Disharmonious Factors of Rural Women in the Course of Occupational Mobility 中国农村女性职业流动过程中的不和谐因素分析
The Social Capital's Role in Social Mobility: an Economic Analysis& As An Example in Occupational Mobility 基于经济学视角对社会资本在社会流动中的作用的分析&以职业流动为例
Our results on occupational mobility and wages show that labor market skills are more portable than previously considered. 我们对于职业流动和工资的发现也说明了劳动力市场上的技能比以前研究所认为的具有更强的转移功能。
Our major findings are: ( 1) people with less human and political capital but at a higher economic status tend to frequently utilize social network resources to fulfill their occupational mobility; 我们的主要研究发现是:(1)人力资本和政治资本较贫乏、经济地位较高的人更可能频繁使用社会网络资源以实现职业流动;
With the issues of regulations of occupational harm's prevention and treatment, nurses occupational harm could be divided into: biological harm, chemical harm, physical harm, mobility function harm and psychological social harm. 随着《职业危害防治条例》的出台,护士的职业危害分为生物性危害、化学性危害、物理性危害、运动功能性危害、心理社会性危害。
Under the redistributive regime, work units and place of birth were the two structural barriers against occupational mobility, maximizing resource differentials among work units and localities while minimizing socioeconomic differences between occupations. 再分配体制下形成的单位和地区壁垒,不但限制了职业流动,也导致了同一社会经济地位其资源含量在壁垒之间的差异,使工作单位和出生地成为地位的象征和指示器。
Randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention to increase outdoor mobility after stroke 随机对照试验研究:卒中后专业治疗增加户外活动能力
On the Hindrance to the Unemployment and the Mechanisms of Re Employment in the View of Occupational Mobility 从职业流动看失业阻滞与再就业机制
The research of China's changing social stratification system has focused almost entirely on the analysis of income and occupational mobility. 迄今对中国社会分层模式变迁的研究,几乎全部集中在收入和职业流动的分析上。
Human Capital, Social Capital and Occupational Mobility 人力资本、社会资本与中国人的职业流动
The Logarithm Linear Model of Inter-Generation Occupational Mobility 职业代际流动的对数线性模型
The paper provides a basis for the study on the mode and the social management system of the talents occupational mobility in Qinghai. 本文为建立适应可持续发展的青海人才职业流动的模式及社会管理机制提供了研究基础。
Talents occupational mobility always varies with the development of economy and society and subjective selection. 人才职业流动是一个动态概念,会随经济、社会的发展和个人主观选择的不同而发生变动。
In the view of the occupational mobility, unemployment is endowed with the characteristics: non fluidity, downward mobility and passivity. 从职业流动视角来看,失业具有无流动性、下向流动性和被迫性;
On the Obstacles to Occupational Mobility in Urban China 当前我国城市职业流动的障碍分析
And it discusses subjective causes of vocational selection from three aspects and points out there are still biggish subjective obstacles and objective pressure in local talents occupational mobility. 另一方面,对人才在职业选择上的经济利益、自我实现及主观理性等三个主观因素进行了分析,指出青海人才职业流动仍然存在较大的主观障碍和客观持续压力。
Third, geographical mobility and occupational mobility of peasants in the east-west regions are common, parallel to the main flow from west to east. 第三,东西部农民职业流动和地域流动都很普遍,流动方向以由西向东流动为主。
This group either in the occupational mobility, income changes, or changes of residence, can perspective that after the movement of flowing down, they stabilize in the social lowest level. 这一群体不论是在职业流动、收入的变动,还是居住地的变动上,都能透视出其代内向下流动之后稳定于社会底层出现阶层固化的现象。
The obtained rule is the current mechanism for the rules of occupational mobility. 后致性规则是当前我国职业流动机制的规则。
On this basis, then on how to promote the new generation of upward occupational mobility of migrant workers put forward the corresponding countermeasures. 在此基础上,进而对如何推动新生代农民工向上职业流动提出相应的对策建议。
In this paper, integrating the regional characteristics of Taiyuan Y community, we use interview method, questionnaires method, and statistical method to analyzing the general causes of the problem to Taiyuan Y Community for characteristic of mobile population to occupational mobility. 本文结合太原市Y社区的区域特征,采用访谈研究法,结合问卷调查、统计数据整理等方法,针对太原市Y社区流动人口职业流动的概况、特点进行分析。
When the same population of human capital selected occupational mobility, social capital plays a more role significant. 在人力资本相同的流动人口选择职业流动时,其社会资本作用发挥的更加明显。
Part two is literature review about theory of human capital and occupational mobility. 第二部分是对相关人力资本理论和职业流动理论的文献综述。
Although the employment situation in EU has been gradually improved, the long-term unemployment is still prominent. The skill gap between labor supply and market demand and the insufficient occupational and geographical mobility are the main reasons. 虽然欧盟的就业形势不断改善,但长期结构性失业问题仍然十分突出,劳动力技能水平与市场需求的差距,以及职业和地理流动的不充分是造成结构性失业的主要原因。
Also has analyzed the changing situation of occupational mobility, education, income disparity and the places of residence among these three generations. 通过对三代人的职业流动状况、教育变化情况、经济收入差距、住房地点变动情况进行了分析。
The method of Social Network Analysis is developed by sociologist based on mathematical method and graph theory. Recently, the method are widely used and importance in the fields that includes Internet Technology, Occupational mobility, World political and economic systems and so on. 社会网络分析方法是由社会学家根据数学法、图论等发展起来的计量分析方法,近年来该方法在Internet、职业流动、世界政治和经济体系等领域广泛应用,并发挥重要作用。
This is a foundation of the analysis. Firstly, for ease of this article elaboration, this paper explains the concept of occupation and occupational mobility. 首先,为了便于本文的论述,对职业和职业流动的概念做了解释。
By analyzing rising status in the family, changes of identity and occupational status, gained reputation in local communities, regional mobility that from remote areas to county district, the social mobility of part of rural youth who have been investigated can be viewed as upward mobility. 通过分析家庭地位的上升、身份和职业地位的改变、在当地获得的声誉、由偏远山区转向县城城区的地域流动等,部分留乡青年的社会流动可以视为向上的社会流动。
With the globalization of medical education, international exchange of academic medicine are growing increasingly. Excellent medical talents will be internationally occupational mobility. We must improve the international competitiveness of medical students of Eight-Year System. 当前,全球化是世界医学教育的首要发展趋势,优秀医学人才将在全球范围内流动,医学学术国际交流也日益增多,我们必须要提高八年制医学生的国际竞争力。